The Truth About Laundry Strips

The Truth About Laundry Strips

Have you tried laundry strips?

Well then we have something that may come as a bit of a shock to you…

Laundry Strips Are Not the Best Way for You to Eliminate Your Plastic Waste!

You see, while laundry strips are certainly a great alternative to wasteful plastic detergent jugs (and we aren’t encouraging you to stop using them!!!!)…

Those plastic detergent jugs are not as big of a contributor to plastic pollution as you may think.

Afterall, most people aren’t doing laundry every single day…

And, while recycling programs are certainly not a solution to plastic pollution by any means…

…some laundry detergent jugs are recycled into new products.

But there is a group of wasteful plastic products that you use every single day

that cannot be recycled at ALL!

Leading to massive amounts of plastic pollution…

Endangering ourselves, future generations and the millions of species we share the earth with.

The truth is…

The Best Way to Eliminate Plastic Waste is by Using Zero-Waste Bathroom Products...

Because those plastic toothpaste tubes, single use razors, plastic floss, plastic toothbrushes etc. in your bathroom are impossible to recycle into new products…

And you’re using them every single day!

BUT the good news is that while they are doing massive amounts of harm to our earth right now…

They provide a huge opportunity for Canadians like you to make a real difference and keep significant amounts of plastic out of our landfills and oceans…

…simply by using zero-waste bathroom products - instead of the wasteful plastic ones you’re currently using.

When you use zero-waste bathroom products, not only will you eliminate half a kilogram of plastic waste from your bathroom each year, but…

Your Zero-Waste Bathroom Routine Will Serve As A Daily Reminder of the Positive Change You’re Working Towards

This is important because despite what most climate activism pages and major media outlets may tell you…

Leading a zero-waste lifestyle doesn’t need to be an all or nothing thing.

The zero-waste movement is really about taking consistent steps each day towards leading a zero-waste lifestyle…

And starting every day by brushing your teeth with a bamboo toothbrush, or flossing with biodegradable floss, is one of the best ways to do this!

And You’ll Guarantee That You Make Progress Over Time…

…because these are all products you can’t live without!

At Life UNpacked, we make it a top priority to provide Canadians from coast to coast with zero-waste essentials - and not just some “latest and greatest” greenwashing product that you don’t actually need.

Our goal is to help you replace the products you actually do use and need every day with plastic-free alternatives…

…so you can take consistent steps every day towards protecting our planet for now and for future generations.

And that’s why…

+5,000 Canadians Have Used Our Zero-Waste Products… And Absolutely LOVED Them!

And with an average rating of 4.9/5 stars…

They constantly tell us they found it so simple to eliminate plastic waste with our products, that it seemed like a total no-brainer!

After all, who would say no to a simple solution to plastic pollution?

This isn’t just our earth…

We have the privilege of living here…

The least we can do is protect the earth for the other inhabitants and for future generations - especially when it’s as easy as we’ve made it for you!

If you are ready to take your 1st step towards eliminating plastic, then explore the easiest way to stop plastic waste forever for less than $1/day with a 100% money-back guarantee!

Click Here To Learn More >>>

Or if you'd like to explore our entire zero-waste product range click the "Shop" button below!
